The End of One Love is The Beginning of Another
I saw a celebratory dance move a friend posted on his social media status and he captioned it “after a serious heartbreak that left me introverted for 2 months”. I responded with a laughing emoji knowing he was well over it. But it made me think or all those love we’ve had that ended. How did we survive them? Well, the end of one love is the beginning of another. When love dies, another love grows.
This line of thought made me ponder the age-old question, what is love? And for the first time in my introspective journey, I arrived at an unusual answer, love is a person. I was so fascinated with this answer I decided to ruminate further.
Love is a Person
My first inclination was to look at this from a biblical perspective. The holy book states that God is love, meaning He personifies what love is, patience, kindness, long-suffering, tenderness, trust, and hope. And if humans are created in the image of God, then surely, we possess these characteristics too. This is a reasonable conclusion, but I wanted a more expansive point of view. Why is love a person?
Love is a person because our ability to love is boundless and only limited by our discretion. We can love even when love seem impossible. Even the most broken heart can be mended with the touch of unfeigned love from another person. We are not imprisoned by heartbreak or past relationships because we can find another to exchange love with.
It’s quite fascinating how of all the billions of people in the world, we can choose just one person with whom we decide to share who we are, our heart, soul, and body. More so, we have the ability to be faithful to that one person because love is faithful. We exercise patience with that person, because we want to. They get away with things others would not, and we pamper and cherish them. We can be with anyone in the world, but we chose this one person because we love them. And if they cease to be our love or if they take us for granted, we are not left hopeless or in an abyss, because there is another love just waiting around the corner to embrace us.
Hey Lover
My lover said to me, promise you’ll never leave me and I replied, I promise I will not. And looking into his eyes I could see he had so much love to give. After our past experiences, you’d think we’d become bitter, cynical, and afraid to give love a chance again. But there is no fear in love and we are love. Undaunted by the hate they gave, we moved on to something true and real.
It takes true love to get over fake love. Isn’t it comforting to know that there are billions of love in the world to choose from? When one love hurts us or walks away, another will pick us up and restore us to wholeness. We can love another with equal or even more fervency than the previous, because we are love.