Did We Really Think That They Were Going To Let A Woman Become President?
I do not want to become one of those people who thinks that everything is about race or gender. But when it comes to this presidential election, it is immensely glaring that it was about race and gender. Why did Hillary lose? It’s because she’s a woman! It seems very simplistic to reduce it to that, but that’s exactly what it boils down to. This entire election has been a very fun spectacle from start of finish. The performances have been incredibly flawless and convincing that a lot of people actually got fooled into believing they would give a woman a chance to rule America of all countries! A lot of Americans wanted Hillary to win but as to how convinced they truly were that it was going to happen, I am not sure. But maybe it was partly optimism, partly prayer, keeping fingers crossed and partly wishful thinking, all of which could very well yield a favorable result. But there is no denying that there was an underlying feeling of doubt in all of these.
No one was ever truly convinced a woman was going to win! But it was nice to act during the period of time that the election campaign lasted that we were a very progressive society, that we could let a woman be in charge, that racism and sexism were a thing of the past. We are very good actors, we fooled the world and we almost certainly fooled ourselves. But the show has ended, no more entertainment, no more fairy-tale, no more utopia, it’s now back to reality. And the sad reality is that America is a patriarchal and racist nation. Obama did something really amazing in becoming president. Yes it was quite historical, but Obama had the advantage of a white mother, he was not a black slave descendant and he certainly had the advantage of being male. And although Hillary is white, she has the disadvantage of being female, which if we go back in history, seems to be the biggest disadvantage of all. Women just have a very hard time in America. Even black men had the right to vote before white women did. What would be truly revolutionary is for a black woman to become the president of America. But how is that ever going to happen when they are not even allowing a white woman to do it?