• Stories

    To Revenge or Not To Revenge? – A Short Story

    Folake was committed to doing something crazy and I am supposed to dissuade her. It was not really unlike her to come up with very ridiculous ideas that were never carried out.  But this time around I could tell she was dead serious with the look in her eyes, and that scared me because this is the worst idea of hers till date. I began to say, Folake you can’t do this, but realized that was a fallacy of moral reasoning, telling a person they can’t do something for the same reason they want to do it. So I tried another tactic, “Folake do you still love him?” Folake did not blink,…

  • Muses

    My Complicated Relationship with Feminism   

    Feminist: a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. ― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We Should All Be Feminists I was a child when I first heard the word feminist. I was probably ten years old then. I don’t recall exactly how the word became a part of my vocabulary. I may have read it in a book or heard it on television. But it did become a part of my identity at a very young age. I was a feminist, at least in my head that was how I thought of myself, even if no one around me had the faintest idea that I had…

  • Culture

    I Am An African Woman

    “Don’t call yourself a Nigerian woman, you’re in America,” was a piece of advice I received from someone who had read a blog of mine where I mentioned being a Nigerian. It was not without thought that I chose to identify myself as a Nigerian woman. I could have identified as just a woman, but that would not have given the full story. A woman could be any woman, but a Nigerian woman gave my writing a context that I wanted it to have. I was amused by this reader’s response and somewhat irritated by it (but thanks for the feedback). Partly because I have had a similar experience in which someone told…

  • Culture

    African Culture, Women and Religion

    It is a common practice for Africans in Christianity to mix their culture with the religion. There are some practices women become subjected to when cultural ideologies are mixed with religion. These practices are claimed to be biblical, but if really examined, we will find they are convenient additions that perfectly suits a male dominated society. Women have constantly fallen victims of many cultural based religious practices that are set to marginalize them. Do we really think that God’s vision for women is to slave away in a man’s house, or that women’s education should become secondary to that of their male counterparts? or that women should have no opinions or voice,…