Give It A Chance
I’m excited to announce that I finally finished my first book on love and relationships, set to launch by the end of this year. Stay tuned for more details.
A discuss that ensued between me and a dear friend after I initially announced the book launch made me realize just how much more there is to learn about relationships. I was in fact tempted to go back and include some more lessons that I’ve learned since I completed the book. For instance, I realized I did not write about how some men deceive and use women in their youthful days, only to suffer the repercussions of it in their future marriages, because you after all reap what you sow. So be careful how you treat people, you’ll get it back eventually.
However, I did mention that we should not build a wall of unforgiveness and suspicion around ourselves that prevents us from connecting with other well-meaning people. I for one know how difficult it is to trust again after a broken heart. My emphasis was on people who have been hurt by past relationships not the perpetrators. I wished I had elaborated more on that, but I also realized that if I keep adding on to the book, I’ll never finish it.
There are just so many aspects to relationships, one book cannot cover it all. However, my upcoming book covers a lot of basics singles and young married couples need to know about this beautiful thing between a man and woman called love.
Love is a continuous process that keeps evolving as we grow and get to know the other person better. We can never learn it all. There’s no such thing as an expert on love. Just when you think you know enough, something else comes up that forces you to admit just how little you know. That has been my experience of late. I want to know more!
But I’m glad to have written a book I can recommend to anyone who is seeking more knowledge on love, relationships and marriage. And I mean absolutely anyone, including married folks who have been married for ages or divorced folks who are still trying to understand where things went wrong and especially singles out there looking for true love. This book is for you.
As a single woman myself, I understand what the journey can be like for we single folks. Nobody knows your experience as you do. Nobody fully gets it. Most of the time, they just want to see us get married. But they don’t understand the struggle. This book is my special gift to you.
If you believe you’ve found the one, that’s even better! Let this book be your gift to each other. Learn and grow together. Make your love stronger each day through self-development. The better you are as a person, the more capacity you have for love.
Thank you to all my readers who have stayed with me these past years. Next month is anniversary! Two whole years of writing about marriage and love. May we continue to reach more milestones together!
Contact me for more information about the book launch.