My Commentary On Beyoncé Becoming Black
It appears that some folks did not know Beyoncé was black until she sang “Formation” (funny huh?). I thought she has always been black, but apparently, it takes more than having a dark skin or being born to a parent of African descent to be black. So some folks believe Beyoncé is appropriating blackness.
Now the question is what qualifies as being black?
Black is a term used to describe a person of African descent, black is a label by which society ostracize a particular group of people, but at the same time, black is a symbol of social justice and the fight for racial equality. Being black in the contemporary world then is more than just having a dark skin. Being black constitutes a racial, cultural and historical awareness, otherwise know as the Black Consciousness. This paragraph from nelsonmandela.org sums it up nicely.
Black consciousness can be described as an awareness among blacks that their human identity hinges on the fact that they are black. Blacks (which, in this definition, include Indians and colored’s) are proud of their skin color, and aware of the fact that they have their own black history and culture, differing from that of whites. They no longer accept being judged according to white values and norms. This means that they must psychologically liberate themselves from the “slave mentality” created by “institutionalized racism” and “white liberalism”. In essence, black consciousness is an attitude towards life.
From this definition, it is obvious that Beyoncé’s album “Lemonade” embodies black consciousness. I applaud her for finally taking that bold step towards embracing her heritage. This is a perfect time for Beyoncé to be black because she has reached an iconic status that gives her the power to be unapologetic about whatever she wants to do or say and there’s no better person to take the center stage for raising awareness about racial injustice than a popular culture figure whom the world listens to.