Why Are Black Women Not Getting Married?
Why is there so much societal pressure on black women to get married, as if it is their fault that they are not getting married? It seems perfectly rational to blame a single woman for being single but there are several ways to look at it instead of assuming she can’t get a man. What if it’s not about just getting a man but getting the right man? With the insane divorce rate that keeps rising, why do we expect women to jump into matrimony with the first guy that comes along? We say things like, “she should have focused on marriage when she was younger, when a lot of…
Angry Black Woman: Media Stereotyping of Black Women
Black women have a very interesting relationship with the media. For many years, there was a lack of representation of black women on television, but there has been a shift over the last couple of years whereby more and more black women are being represented on television. We can finally say there’s progress when women like Kerry Washington is the lead actress on one of the most watched shows on television Scandal, or when a middle-aged woman like Viola Davis is playing the role of a seductive and charismatic lawyer on the hit TV series How to Get Away with Murder. So, who cares that one is a gold digger and…
Did We Really Think That They Were Going To Let A Woman Become President?
I do not want to become one of those people who thinks that everything is about race or gender. But when it comes to this presidential election, it is immensely glaring that it was about race and gender. Why did Hillary lose? It’s because she’s a woman! It seems very simplistic to reduce it to that, but that’s exactly what it boils down to. This entire election has been a very fun spectacle from start of finish. The performances have been incredibly flawless and convincing that a lot of people actually got fooled into believing they would give a woman a chance to rule America of all countries! A lot of…
Women Do Not Belong To The Kitchen
Sometimes it appears as if much progress have been made in the quest for gender equality and for women in the society to be recognized as something other than sex objects. Then once in a while, we receive shockers like an intended president of a country bragging about groping women and an actual president of a country saying his wife belongs in the kitchen and bedroom. It’s the 21st century, but the last time I checked, women still earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn. What I don’t understand is why we have to have this disparity in the first place. Why do women have to struggle in the…