Am I Getting Old?
Each passing hour, each day that slips away, and every year that tacks on another number brings us closer to the inevitable march of old age.
Counterfeit Love: Love is Perfect or is It?
Reflecting on past relationships, I asked myself, did they ever love me? Did they pretend to love me? Were they confused too, thinking they loved me but actually never did? Or did they know from the start that they did not love me, but still went ahead and deliberately hoodwinked me into believing they did? These questions, I pondered as in lay in bed one September morning thinking about the past 3 years my life and how it has gone through a number of relationships that are today no more. How could love do that to you? I wondered. When I think about what they did, I just can’t wrap…
While You’re Waiting, Time is Going!
The month of August is a peculiar month to me because this was the month about a year ago when I finally decided to put my hand on the plow and never look back. I understood I had a gifting in writing and I knew I had to use it. I had such big visions and dreams of what I wanted, but limited resources to effectuate them. However, I just could not wait till everything was picture-perfect, because while waiting, time is going. If I’d kept procrastinating, I may never have gotten started! The same thing goes for the vlog, when I made the decision to launch my vlog on…
Taking Feminism Too Far
I was recently engaged in a casual conversation with a reader who had seen my “About” page and thought it was unfair for me to refer to myself as an “occasional feminist”. You can’t be on both sides of the fence the person said, you have to take a stance, it’s either you are a feminist or you’re not. This was not the first time someone had approached me about how I chose to describe myself. A friend had previously challenged me for stating that I was a “realistic hopeless romantic”, after a series of friendly squabbles we both concurred that I am more of a realistic romantic than a hopeless…